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January 2023 Retirement Readiness eNewsletter Thumbnail

January 2023 Retirement Readiness eNewsletter

January's Retirement Readiness newsletter features important questions to consider when filling your post-retirement days with purpose, choosing a retirement plan that fits your business, the role of traditional and Roth IRAs in your retirement plans, and understanding the importance of insurance. Hope you enjoy, and as always, reach out with any questions. Have a great day! 

18 Years’ Worth of Days

The average retirement lasts for 18 years, with many lasting even longer. Will you fill your post-retirement days with purpose?

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Choosing a Retirement Plan that Fits Your Business

To choose a plan, it’s important to ask yourself four key questions.

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Traditional vs. Roth IRA

One or the other? Perhaps both traditional and Roth IRAs can play a part in your retirement plans.

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The Most Overlooked Item of Any Home Improvement

The item most homeowners forget on their home improvement project checklist is insurance.

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